Hi Branch Church.
Last Sunday we explored how to become equipped to answer those who are wavering, unconvinced or skeptical of faith and hope in Jesus Christ. We touched on some powerful evidences (the 3 E’s) that support beyond a doubt trust in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. You may want to share them with others during this Easter Season. If you missed last Sunday’s teaching, I invite you to get the full audio or video here.
Additionally, I recommended the upcoming movie, The Case for Christ as a resource for equipping yourself to help others know the real Jesus. Check out the trailer here. I recommend you treat a friend to this film who may benefit from this true story.
The Branch also has a subscription to RightNow Media for all attenders to access for free. It has a large selection of teaching videos on the subject of evidences for Christian faith. Just search “apologetics”. If you need an invite to access RightNow Media, please let us know and we will email it to you. (email lori@thebranchcc.com)
We are so grateful for your faithfulness in financially supporting The Branch Church. Sometimes you may not be able to be in attendance and encourage others in The Branch community gathering on Sunday, but our financial gifts can be serving the mission of Jesus all the time. Many Branch attenders set up automatic recurring giving to assure that.
Dave and Lori Vigna