Hi Branch Church.
Bruce White, Pastor of the Garden Way Church in Eugene, Oregon, delivered a powerful teaching about the Jesus we need last Sunday. I (Dave) just listened to it and have been lifted in my spirit and inspired to tell the story of Jesus more and more! If you missed it, I implore you to get the full audio or video here.
The new and upcoming movie, The Case for Christ tells the true story of an atheist who investigated the story of Jesus. Check out the trailer here. The Case for Christ trailer I recommend you treat a friend to this film who may benefit from this true story of this Chicago journalist skeptic who was compelled to dig into the evidences about Jesus.
Do you or someone you know need prayer? Lori and I and several others pray for the prayer requests we receive on the Connection Cards every week. Although you may have missed last Sunday’s Branch Service, please submit your prayer request here so we can pray for you! Link to prayer submission
We are so grateful for your faithfulness in financially supporting The Branch Church. Sometimes you may not be able to be in attendance and encourage others in The Branch community gathering on Sunday, but our financial gifts can be serving the mission of Jesus all the time. Many Branch attenders set up automatic recurring giving to assure that.
Dave and Lori Vigna